December 18, 2022 by Ewell Smith
There are over 353,997,523 products sold on Amazon competing for your customer's wallet.
There's over 1.8 billion websites globally.
You're definitely not alone if you're wondering why your product is sitting on a virtual shelf collecting cyber dust. Your cash flow's not flowing.
Or perhaps you offer a service but the clients aren’t calling?
You truly thought you had an attractive offer that impacts lives?
It very well may be.
My answer is candid.
If you hate sales, you'll appreciate what I'm going to share that much more as you continue reading down the page.
Over the years, I’ve seen 3 scenarios that stunt business growth play out over and over.
Cash flow is the lifeblood of any company. It suffers in all 3 scenarios above.That's despite the entrepreneur's #1 job is to promote and market their business no matter the industry.
Here's the issue...
...if the marketing to get customers to your website AND (and and -and- and) the messaging on your website* aren't clear as a bell, your efforts are undermined.
That costs you the entrepreneur sales revenue.
1.8 billion websites and Amazon no doubt play into the fact that:
A. Getting your potential customer's attention becomes priority #1.
Your ad copy/email copy must be highly relevant balanced with creative. There was a time it only took only 3 ad impressions to get the consumer to take action. Today some marketing pros say it takes 9 times before the consumer acts. I think it's in the teens.
Then once a potential customer or client lands on your website or sales funnel,
, you have maybe 1 second to capture the customer's attention.
B. Keeping the customer's attention so you don't lose the sale becomes priority #2.
To keep your customer's attention on your site, we take your customer on a journey they are a part of and want to be a part of.
FACT: Since the beginning of mankind, the unbeatable power of story to this day is the most effective method to engage people. Think of your favorite movies that captivated you till the very end.
Sometimes you'll even hang on till the credits roll to learn more about a movie you just saw for the first time. You want more. In lies the power of story.
We've harnessed the same unbeatable power of story applying it specifically to the sales process starting with your website.
We do that in 7 steps.
The CTD Story Sales Sequence is a mix of psychology, data, art, grit & story forged together through extensive experience to educate the customer.
It's tested under the most extreme of circumstances helping thousands of businesses through two of America's major crisis events to save an industry.
Hurricane Katrina and the BP oil spill upended a multi-billion dollar industry just 5 years apart from each other.
The Louisiana Seafood industry lost 98% of its customer base across the US and globally due to BP. It's a rich culture 8 generations deep that provides 1/3 of the seafood harvested in the continental United States.
The unbeatable power of story and to market billions in sales turned the Louisiana Seafood industry around at its darkest moments. Twice.
Today, the CTD Story Sales Sequence specifically helps entrepreneurs, business leaders, marketing pros and executives build their business brand to increase revenue. That impacts lives.
I've long said smart marketing that educates tees up the sale making the sale so much easier.
It's a fundamental principle that erases tired old-school, high pressured sales techniques. Better yet, it makes for a soft close meeting your prospect’s needs educating them.
The customer wants your product...think about the lines at an Apple store for a new product launch.
Steve Jobs said it best,
“Marketing is the art of rendering the sales process obsolete.”
At the end of the day, the CTD Story Sales Sequence educates the customer answering important questions solving a problem.
That's what you and I do as entrepreneurs, business leaders, marketing pros and executives - solve problems. By using story as an educational tool, we do that best.
As entrepreneur and coach, my role is to bring you simplicity. That provides clarity.
Option one - keep the status quo for your business.
Status quo is often a slow then faster decline.
Option two - shake things up.
Give your product or attractive offer the attention
it deserves to grow your revenue.
You've read this far so your gut may be telling you were you need to be.
The next step is easy. It may be your most important step. Taking action.
If this is speaking to you, you can schedule a free consultation call here.
To increasing your profits, Ewell
* Your website is your business hub. It's your online foundation
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Nassau, NY
- Total Gross Revenue 2023: $1,300,000
- Number of Employees: 2 (1 Account Manager, 1 Night Manger)
- Resale Price is $450,000 (includes $120,000 initial franchisee fees)
Top 10 Close the Deal
Franchise Resales
January 2025
Waggles Puppy Boutique - Roanoke , Virginia $425,000
Window Genie - San Antonio, Texas $300,000
Zoom Room - Huntington Beach, California $500,000
1-800 Radiator & AC - Amarillo, Texas $1,200,000
AdvantaClean - Bethel, Ohio $570,000
All Dry - Houston , Texas $430,000
AlphaGraphics - S LA County, California $1,800,000
Barrel House - Coralville, Iowa $1,800,000
BFT - Richmond Heights (St. Louis), Missouri $430,000
Budget Blinds - Huntsville, Texas $500,000
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About The Author: Ewell Smith - Certified Franchise Consultant / Publisher - Close The Deal / Host - Close The Deal Podcast / Author - Your First Franchise Roadmap - Ewell serves aspiring entrepreneurs and Veterans considering a franchise. To learn more, contact Ewell.
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