June 6, 2023 by Ewell Smith
Have you ever you struggled with negative thoughts? Maybe even self-doubting yourself?
If you answered yes to either question, you immediately sensed negative energy simply by answering. You may have become just a bit more anxious. More irritable, etc...your senses are on alert.
That’s how powerful our mind is in a split second.
The moment your focus goes negative, small things that normally would not bother you may feel like the weight of the world on you. Difficult times don't make that any easier. The two fuel each other during tough times reinforcing negative affirmations.
The good news is that negative mindset sensation (sometimes an illusion) is temporary. If you choose it to be.
If you’re reading this, you’re likely looking for a solution which is a positive first step.
What we feed our minds rules our energy!
With positive thinking we make better decisions. That’s a scientific fact. Positive affirmations are powerful affirmations that tap into our inner strength for great things to happen.
The moment we start making the mental shift from the negative to the positive we start seeing positive changes. Your mental strength improves near immediately. This is the ABSOLUTELY MINDSET mentality.
To the degree you’re willing to believe that the words you speak into your mind matter will determine the speed of impact to change your immediate mindset situation for the better.
Take a read of these affirmations I drafted through a natural stream of consciousness. Try them out. See if you feel a mental shift by the time you’re done reading the list…
#1 I am worthy
#2 I am intelligent
#3 I am capable
#4 I will take a first step with a new opportunity
#5 I will take action getting out of my comfort zone to open new doors
#6 New opportunities will arise as I take more actions
#7 Strong people are open to change
#8 Positive words lead to positive thoughts to positive energy at the end of the day
#9 Positive friends lead to positive synergy
#10 I appreciate genuine relationships
#11 I’m grateful for the love of family and friends
#12 I’m grateful for the support from family and friends who want the best for me
#13 I’m willing to try new things
#14 I’m in the right place right now to make a change
#15 There is no better time than now to make a change
#16 I’m willing to change and take action
#17 Change is my friend
#18 Embracing change is my advantage
#19 I run toward change
#20 I’m not in this alone
#21 I always want to do ____ for the right reasons
#22 I want to make ______ proud of me for doing the best I can do
#23. I will do _____ to the best of my abilities and with integrity
#24. I will do ______to the best of my abilities and with honesty
#25. I will always try to do the right thing despite what others might say
#26 I will not allow critical comments to hold me back
#27 I can do this
#28 I can do this better with honest feedback
#29 I’m open to honest feedback
#30 I’m willing to listen to honest constructive feedback and make corrections
#31 I know my mental health will improve as my self-talk improves
#32 I know my attitude and mindset will improve as my self-talk improves
#33 My attitude and mindset will improve in a single moment – that’s the moment I decide to improve it
#34 I will begin my new journey – working on my mental health is intentional
#35 My journey to the best version of myself is worth it
#36 I am responsible to make the needed changes in me
#37 I find better answers sooner with a better mindset
#38 My main reason to work is to serve others
#39 I find joy in serving others
#40 Serving others is a passion of mine
#41 I find my why in serving others
#42 I am happiest serving others
#43 A single moment of positivity will lead to a single day of positivity to a month of positivity to a year to a year, etc.…
#44 I know positivity builds and drowns out negativity
#45 I’m ok admitting I cannot do this life on my own
#46 I recognize I need others who complement my skills and seek them out
#47 I will take big action - this is the right time
#48 I will take more and more action as I gain success and build on my successes
#49 I will continue to renew my mind with positive words
#50 I want to be my best self for others
#51 I have a positive self-belief - I can do this
#52 I will not watch the news for hours on end
#53 I will protect and guard my mind
#54 I will invest in my mindset
#55 I know what I feed my mind matters because________
#56 I will take ownership of my mistakes
#57 I will learn from my mistakes
#58 I know my mistakes do not define me
#59 I will use my mistakes to refine me
#60 I want to keep an open mind
#61 I want to try new approaches
#62 I will stay focused on the solution
#63 I will focus more on the solution than the problem
#64 I will not gossip about others
#65 I will look for the best in others
#66 I will look for the best in myself
#67 I will rest and renew my mind
#68 I will take a real vacation
#69 I will not take calls or emails on my real vacation
#70 I will work with other like-minded individuals who build me up
#71 I also value differences of opinion
#72 I know iron sharpens iron
#73 I will value others
#74 I will encourage others
#75 I will lift others up
#76 Edification is my mantra
#77 I will sing the praises of others
#78 I will learn from others
#79 I am open to learning from others
#80 I am humble
#81 I want to remain humble
#82 I want to give back to others
#83 I express gratitude for the gift of a new day
#84 I appreciate the gift of a new morning
#85 I appreciate the sun rising
#86 I appreciate the gift of breathing
#87 I appreciate _______ and ________
#88 I appreciate the sun setting
#89 I am content with the gifts given to me by God
#90 I will use the gifts given to me to serve others
#91 I will do my best to refine the gifts given to me so I can better serve
#92 I will treat my body better
#93 I will not take my health for granted
#94 I will eat more healthy foods
#95 I will exercise ______ times a week
#96 I will try to inspire others to be healthy
#97 My health comes before wealth
#98 I will utilize my gifts to the best of my abilities
#99 I will continue to improve my skills
#100 I will continue to invest in myself development
#101 I will continue to learn every day
#102 I will be curious to learn and get better
#103 I will read more non fiction
#104 I will become a student of my craft
#105 I will self-educate including going to conferences on my own dime need be
#106 I will stay away from toxic people
#107 I will seek inspirational stories
#108 I will set goals
#109 I will celebrate the small wins hourly
#110I will celebrate the small wins daily
#111 I will celebrate the small wins weekly, monthly and yearly
#112 I know the small wins stack up to big outcomes
#113 I know the small wins lead to the person who is the quote “overnight success”
#114 I know having a positive outlook is my best guarantee of success
#115 I know it takes great courage to acknowledge one’s weaknesses
#116 I willing to identify my weaknesses and acknowledge I can't do it all on my own strength
#117 I will not compare myself to others
# 118 I will not be envious of others
#119 I will not be bitter – I will focus on being better
#110 I will forgive those who hurt me
#111 I will forgive myself cutting myself some slack
#112 I’m willing to put in the effort and take the action to avoid a negative attitude
#113 I do not want to blame others
#114 The victim mode is not my mode – it has been in the past – not any more
# 115 I am 100% responsible for my positive thoughts and my negative thoughts
#116 My good thoughts lead to better decisions
#117 My good thoughts are like a magnet to others
#118 My good thoughts breed enthusiasm and _______
#119 My good thoughts are contagious
#120 I am creative
#121 I recognize and accept my weaknesses
#122 I look for others to work with that compliment my weak spots
#123 I believe in the wisdom of the ABSOLUTELY MINDSET Great Eight from Philippians 4:8:
#124 True
#125 Noble
#126 Right
#127 Pure
#128 Lovely
#129 Admirable
#130 Excellent
#131 Praiseworthy
#132 I will reflect on the AM Great Eight
#133 The Great Eight sets the tempo for our mindset
#134 I’m appreciating the power of affirmations
#135 My emotions make me human
#136 My emotions no longer control me
#137 I’m gaining control of my emotions
# !38 I’m welcoming new challenges – the comfort zone is not my goal
#139 I’m embracing new challenges that are coming like it or not
#140 I’m cherishing the simple things
#141 I’m cherishing the quite moments
#142 I’m grateful for listening better
#143 I’m ok reading and doing nothing
#144 I’m ok sitting in silence to rest
# 145 I’m calmer and more balanced
#146 Caring for others centers me
#147 I’m willing to be transparent
#148 I’m willing to be vulnerable to experience genuine human relationships
#149 I value genuine relationships over transactional relationships
#150 My mental willpower is becoming stronger - my negative attitudes are becoming history
#151 I’m more focused with my new self-belief complimenting myself
#152 I’m making better decisions harnessing the power of my mind
#153 I’m more grounded than I was _________
#154 I’m more content as my biggest fan of myself believing in myself
#155 I’m stronger.
#156 I'm better than I was yesterday; even just a few minutes ago.
#157. I’m a better version of myself. I’m taking action.
Everything starts with the slightest step in the right direction. This helps wash away any negative attitudes in your subconscious mind.
Pave your own path! All this strengthens your ABSOLUTELY MINDSET.
It’s important to note we must constantly renew our mind.
The best way to do that is to intentionally seek out resources to sharpen and train your mind. Come back and visit this list of mental strength affirmations on a regular basis. Like training any other muscle for physical strength, we experience growth when we exercise our mind with intentionality.
Just like building a strong muscle with exercise at the gym first thing in the morning – mental exercise with positive strength affirmations daily. Start your day off right to build mental courage and self-belief – your confidence. Here's another simple tip...after you're done reading this list...make this list of strength affirmations your own by customizing it to your situation. Use your own positive language and sayings that are meaningful to you. Focus on those and see what happens.
Put the affirmations that you resonate with pen to paper. We all know there's something powerful that happens when we write things down. Literally fill in the blanks from the list above.
In fact, building your own list of strength affirmations that's unique to you is the goal to reach your greatest potential.
At the end of the day, know this, the best positive strength affirmations are the ones you put into practice for your own life.
The words you speak to yourself define the life you live.
Make it a great day.
Be The Boss.
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About The Author: Ewell Smith - Certified Franchise Consultant / Publisher - Close The Deal / Host - Close The Deal Podcast / Author - Your First Franchise Roadmap - Ewell serves aspiring entrepreneurs and Veterans considering a franchise. To learn more, contact Ewell.
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